First, tonight I’ll be signing with a dozen other authors at the Pleasant Grove Library. There will be a silent auction for the library, and some of the proceeds from book sales will be donated to the library. There will be plenty of cookies and great books to add to your shelves, so come join us at the library. Other author signing with me include:
Julie Ford
Tristi Pinkston (she’s launching her new book tonight!)
Rachelle Christensen
Angie Lofthouse
Loralee Evans
Andrea Pearson
Nichole Giles
Julie Bellon
Monique Bucheger
Heather Moore
and myself
The fun starts at 7 pm and goes to 9 at 30 E Center St in Pleasant
As for the update, my husband and I have a business in our hometown and last year we bought a building on Main Street with a long-time renter upstairs and moved our business into the basement. The end of April the renter closed down their pizza place forever. We took a long, hard look at the space and came to the conclusion that the floor had to go. I have it on good authority (Mike the garbage man, who used to clean the carpets) that the carpeting upstairs hasn’t been changed since before the pizza place moved in there twenty years ago, and that it had been around for quite a while before that. The linoleum below that is easily twenty years older, yet, so it was was past time for the flooring to be replace.
So, we ripped it all out and I’ve spent the past two months installing tile, which means I’ve gotten almost nothing else done (or at least it feels that way!). But I finished grouting Phase 1 last night and I look forward to taking the next week or so off to work on the plans for the LDStorymakers writer’s conference next May, and working on my books.
I’ve been jonesing for writing time for several weeks now, just managing to meet my deadlines, but not to work on bigger chunks, especially since I have a number of projects underway. To satisfy those who are always asking if I’m working on anything new: Here’s a rundown of my current projects:
Homecoming: Second Chances has been posting as a serial for the past six months on and was completed last week. You can read or listen for free on their website but it will be coming out in a Kindle book at some point in the next few months.
Danica’s story (as yet untitled) has been through a first round of critiques and I need to edit it and send it out for critiques.
Shelly’s story (needs a new title) part of the Ball’s in Her Court series, needs some rewrites and a line edit and then it’ll be ready for publication.
My DiCarlo Sisters series, all as yet untitled:
Camellia has been through two rounds of critiques and just needs final edits and line edits.
Sage has been through a first round of critiques and needs editing and then another round of edits
Lantana is nearly finished and is in bi-monthly ciritques now. It should be finished in October and ready for edits.
Rosemary and Delphinium’s stories are both partly written and nagging at me to add some scenes.
My culinary mystery series
Brownies and Betrayal is getting a final line edits as we speak and will hopefully be available for purchase in October. I have a bunch of awesome ladies who live all over the west in my test group checking all of my recipes now.
The second, untitled book is through the first round of critiques and needs an edit before I send it out for a second round. It could be out by Christmas if I buckle down and get the edits done.
I was hoping to release at least one of these stories this month, but Phase 2 of my flooring project will have to start in a couple of weeks, and conference decisions need to be kicked into high-gear (we’ve already got some great guests lined up!) so I’ll just cram in what I can do for now and hope it satisfies my writing drive for a while so I can finish the renovations.
And now I’m off to get my things together for the book signing tonight!