Day 25: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 25: Finish what you start. Little did I realize what a project this 25 lessons would end up being. My mom has taught me hundreds of things, 25 should have been easy, but it’s amazing how they tend to overlap. Also, as soon as I sat down to write, everything...

Day 24: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 24: Cake Decorating I think I’ve mentioned that my mom took a cake decorating class when I was a kid, and in those early years when she asn’t working 60+ hours a week for the business we had lots of fun cakes. As we aged and she got insanely busy the...

Day 23: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 23: Keep a Record For as long as I can remember my mom has kept a journal. When I was young I believe she kept more than one, capturing many of the crazy and funny things each of the kids did when we were little and still cute. I admit, I’ve been rather...

Day 22: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 22: Keep a Full Pantry For as long as I can remember my mom has had some kind of food storage. We were lucky that every place I remember living (other than that tiny place we lived in for six weeks when we first moved to town) had space for storage–even the...

“CrAzY EiGhTs”

Well, my friend Christine tagged me, and I have a few minutes when I should be cleaning before I go to work, but I really just want to stay snuggled in bed, so here we go! Here be Da Rules: 1. Mention the person who tagged you. 2. Complete the list of 8’s. 3....

Day 21: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 21: Finding the Gifts is Half the Fun I don’t know about you, but we have some interesting Christmas traditions–one of which I am sure most people have never even considered. Way back when my parents had a super tight Christmas with almost no money for...

Book Review: Spare Change by Aubrey Mace

I was really excited to attend The Whitney Awards last month, and to meet some great authors (Seeing Jeff Savage dressed up as Stephanie Meyers was pretty fun too.). I’m afraid I didn’t get to meet Aubrey Mace, but as I had just purchased her book Spare...

Day 20: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 20: Some of the Best Things in Life Don’t Cost Much When I think of my childhood, I remember lots of summer nights playing “becca” (a twisted kind of hide and seek that is best when there are lots of things to hide behind. I have no idea where...

Day 19: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 19: Gardens are Great Yeah, so if you’ve read my blog before, you probably noticed that I write about gardening a lot. Well, maybe not so much lately, because I’m a total slacker–I have blogs planned, I just need to squeeze them into my day. But...