by Heather | Jan 5, 2009 | Blog, gardening, plants
Do you have a black thumb? I know several people who claim they do, but even they can handle a plant as simple as Lucky Bamboo. Actually, this plant isn’t even bamboo, it’s Dracaena Sanderia, a member of the lily family that grows naturally in the tropic...
by Heather | Jan 5, 2009 | Blog, randomness
My friend Ali introduced me to this gorgeous art by David Bowman, who has a children’s book series out called “Who’s Your Hero? Book of Mormon Stories Applied to Children,” which is available off his web site or at David...
by Heather | Jan 2, 2009 | gardening
Last time I talked about the basics of setting up a vermicompost bin. Today I’ll discuss ways to harvest your compost and worms, other kinds of bins you can use, and things to watch out for in your bin. There are several suggested methods for harvesting your...
by Heather | Dec 29, 2008 | Blog, gardening
I know, you’re thinking it’s the middle of the winter, compost piles don’t get hot in the winter, but not all composting happens outside. Vermiculture is a type of composting you can do under a kitchen sink, in the corner or your laundry room, under...
by Heather | Dec 29, 2008 | Blog, writing goals
Well Tristi Pinkston has issued her quarterly challenge. She has been calling them her book-in-a-month challenges, but since some of us are planning to edit, it’s whatever writing goal we want to accomplish. I didn’t do so hot last time, but my goal for...
by Heather | Dec 26, 2008 | gardening
I’m not talking about artificial trees, here, though of course, if the tree is still in good condition and you won’t use it again, donating it to the DI or Good Will (or similar program) can be a great way to keep your tree out of landfills. No, what...
by Heather | Dec 25, 2008 | Blog, randomness
First things first: Merry Christmas. This has been a crazy season so filled with projects it seems the month has zoomed by. I don’t have a very long shopping list, and my laptop’s been in for repairs for ages (finally got it back on Monday) which means I...
by Heather | Dec 22, 2008 | gardening
Unless you live in a tropical area, chances are you’ve never seen a pineapple growing near you, but did you know you can grow them in your living room? It can take up to three years for them to produce fruit, but it is possible. For a plant to produce fruits the...
by Heather | Dec 20, 2008 | Blog, randomness
My mom got this in her e-mail from one of her mailing lists and I had to share. For more funny stories and quips, check it out at I hope you all have a happy holiday! Cookie Rules If you eat a Christmas cookie fresh out of the oven, it...
by Heather | Dec 19, 2008 | gardening
I’m sure you’ve all at least heard of people growing avocados from the leftover pits of whatever variety you bought at the grocery store. You may have even tried it yourself, but did it succeed? Avocados first. There are lots of ways to do this, here are a...