Winter Sowing: Part 2 and Giveaway

Last time I talked about what you would need to start Winter Sowing, today, I’ll show you how to set up your containers. I use mostly milk jugs since we go through a lot of milk. When I’ve happened to stumble across those plastic trays that you buy...

Winter sowing: Part 1

Some weeks ago I promised I would explain the principle behind winter sowing. I can hear you all now, “Winter sowing, what’s that all about?” It’s a great, super inexpensive way to start lots of healthy seedlings OUTSIDE. There’s no need...

Prepare your roses for winter

As we’re putting up Christmas lights before the snows come back and pulling out dead annuals, don’t forget your rose bushes. Sometime between now and when the leaf buds begin to develop in the spring, cut rose canes back by at least a third. In addition,...

Prepare your pond for winter

This weekend I pulled my fish out of the pond for the winter. They could have wintered over with a little extra care (like a pond heater to keep a spot open in the ice, or a bubbler for the same purpose, this allows an oxygen exchange for the fish), but I opted to...
Spring blooms on great deals now

Spring blooms on great deals now

It’s still a great time to buy spring bulbs. Though the place I usually buy mine has already run out, if you poke around, you might find great deals on bulbs, both online or in a store near you. Spring-blooming bulbs can be planted well into early winter if...
Add some fall color for the future

Add some fall color for the future

November is here and fall is racing toward winter with every-increasing speed. My few tiny trees are hanging onto their leaves, but the neighborhood is awash in red and golds as the last of the leaves are changing color. If your yard is looking a little humdrum, this...
Look Ahead to Winter Blooms

Look Ahead to Winter Blooms

Summer flowers are spent, most fall blooms are fading, but winter color is still ahead. If you like to enjoy a burst of spring daffodils on your counter or end table long before crocuses pop through the ground, now is the time to start planning. You will be able to...
Prepare for next year’s garden

Prepare for next year’s garden

My annuals have turned brown–I believe I mentioned once before that I like to eek every last bloom from them before pulling them out for the season–and my perennials have mostly followed in their wake. Now it’s time to collect seeds for next season....
Keep Deer Away From Winter Plants

Keep Deer Away From Winter Plants

I know most people have deer problems in the summer, but around here, winter is the worst time of year. When the snow begins to pile up in the mountains, the deer begin migrating back into town for winter forage, and they stick around until the fawns are born in the...

What’s your blood type?

I’ve been researching bloody types and how they work for a story I’m working on right now and stumbled across an interesting fact. The Japanese believe that your blood type impacts your personality. I found this site that will tell you your personality...