by Heather | Sep 19, 2008 | gardening
I love flowers. I love the color, the variety of leaves, the honey sweetness, the way they draw butterflies and bees. I love them enough to put up with invading weeds and finding my walkways encroached upon by nicotiana or cosmos heavy with blooms by the time fall...
by Heather | Sep 15, 2008 | Blog, gardening, ponds
I promised to bring up pond filters, so now I have a few minutes we’ll give it a go. A pond without some kind of filtering process soon becomes an algae-infested, soupy mess–thus the need for a filter. There are many varieties from inexpensive homemade to...
by Heather | Sep 12, 2008 | gardening
As leaves begin changing colors, it’s time to consider spots in your yard that need more fall color, and areas to add winter interest. There are a number of ways to add winter interest to your yard from evergreens, to leaving flower stalks to catch falling snow...
by Heather | Sep 8, 2008 | gardening
I have several more blogs to write on the ins and outs of pond building, but decided to take a break today to discuss another favorite plant from my yard. The butterfly bush puts out a great show of blooms with some blooming from early spring to mid summer and others...
by Heather | Sep 6, 2008 | chickens, gardening
So I’m sure no one is as interest in my baby chick as I am, but I couldn’t believe how big he’s grown in one week. The night he was born I took a picture of him on my hand and I swear he was only a third as big. We thought he was going to be black,...
by Heather | Sep 5, 2008 | Blog, gardening, ponds
As I mentioned in the previous blog, there are several considerations when picking a pond pump for a fountain or waterfall. First consideration is how much water you want to move. Pond pumps are graded by the number of gallons per hour they move, and most are marked...
by Heather | Sep 3, 2008 | Blog, book reveiw
After a tragic accident takes her husband’s life on Christmas Eve the previous year, single mom, Emma, is finding it hard to get into the Christmas spirit, in fact, she’s struggling with continual depression and crying herself to sleep each night. When her...
by Heather | Sep 2, 2008 | chickens, incubation
I didn’t want to tell when I decided to incubate this time because my previous attempt was such a dud, but here’s what happened. Well, I did succeed in hatching out one chick last week, so it is a success, even if I put 34 eggs in the incubator to start...
by Heather | Sep 1, 2008 | gardening, ponds
So now you’ve decided how big and how deep you want your pond, you’ve decided if you want fish or not, and what kind–you need to decide how you want to add oxygen to your water. If you are raising fish–or even just plants, you definitely need...
by Heather | Aug 29, 2008 | Blog, gardening, ponds
So you have a spot picked out and you know you want to have some fish in your pond. Do you know what kind you are looking for? Most fish will grow until they fill the space available for them. If you have a couple of gold fish in a gallon bowl, they will stay pretty...