You can’t beat a small town

There are lots of advantages to living in a small town—and no, the grocery store’s produce depart being smaller than most SUVs isn’t one of them. In the spirit of James Dashner’s famous top ten lists—but in no particular order: 1) Heavy traffic is...

Seven things

So both Danyelle and Kim have tagged me to list seven things about me. I suppose it’s past time I responded. Now if I can come up with that many that I am willing to admit. The rules are as follows: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. 2....

Ask an Author

Ever heard of a blog tour? I hadn’t until just recently, but I’m gearing up to host a stop on Tristi Pinkston’s blog tour next month. On May 30th, Tristi, author of Nothing to Regret, Strength to Endure, and the recently released Season of Sacrifice,...

Delicious Conversations: A Tasty Experience

I took some downtime this week to crack open a book that has been tempting me for several weeks. My friend Danyelle told me about Jennifer Stewart Griffith’s book Delicious Conversations months ago, and brought her copy with her from Kansas for me to lend me...

My love/hate relationship with CNG

I love, love my ‘new’ truck. It’s a Ford F-250, covered in dents and dings and had to be shipped from back east after we won it on ebay, but I couldn’t care less what it looks like. Well, maybe I could care a tiny bit less, but only just....

Larry is a girl

Several new things going on in my life. First, on Friday I was out collecting eggs. Now my duck/goose enclosure shares a fence line with my chicken run, and until a couple days ago, the birds could scoot under a couple sections of fencing to reach the other side if...

Finding the Right Fit

Saturday I went to Provo to meet with my new critique group. Now, I’ve belonged to a casual critique group online. We trade manuscripts, first chapters for contests, cover letters and queries, but I’ve never been part of a regular critique group that meets...

Great news!

First off, I’ve had at least half a dozen ideas for posts pop into my head over the past week but I’ve been way too busy to blog. At least that’s my excuse. I’m sure I’ll be posting about the Storymakers conference for a while as I review...

Springtime siren calling to me

Every year about the time cabin fever begins to kick in I start haunting the boards at, planning for the new growing season, and looking at the garden junk forum for ideas. Then I spend hours planning for the new season. Last winter I spent the time...

Taking my own sweet time

Can I just say that I love Wikipedia? Yes, yes, I’ve had plenty of other writers tell me what an amazing site it is, and how it’s one of their favorite resources. Did that make me run right out and learn for myself? No, of course not. I have to learn...