by Heather | Feb 14, 2008 | Blog, randomness
It seems every time I turn around, I’m learning about some other aspect of writing in which I’m not quite coming up to scratch. On the last manuscript I submitted, I was told the exposition was completely out of control. When I started looking it over, I...
by Heather | Dec 6, 2007 | Blog, randomness
I’ve been MIA for the past month, I know. There have been several interesting things going on since I last blogged. We delivered babies in our most recent EMT class. A local doctor sat on the other side of the mannequin and pretended to be the mother as he tested us...
by Heather | Oct 29, 2007 | Blog, randomness
If you’ve never heard of NaNoWriMo, you haven’t been in the writing business for long. (Not that everyone who is in the ‘writing business’ is actually in the ‘publishing business’—me for example—but that’s another story.) November is National Novel Writing Month and...
by Heather | Oct 25, 2007 | Blog
Some of you may have read about the big car accident that happened in the middle of the night here in Fillmore. Five college students returning to school after a road trip didn’t quite make it back for school Tuesday morning. One will never make it back again. I’ve...
by Heather | Oct 17, 2007 | Blog, randomness
Well, Danyelle tagged me over at, so I guess you are getting a real treat—two posts in under a month. My reading I read a variety of things from sci-fi/fantasy to non-fiction to suspense, romance and other things. I’ve also audio read a pretty good...
by Heather | Oct 11, 2007 | Blog, randomness
Lateral, bilateral, mid-axillery, proximal, palmar . . . . I’m starting to think my head might explode before I get through chapter four of my EMT manual, and the first class hasn’t been held yet. On the other hand, I have a great 1000-something page reference book on...
by Heather | Sep 29, 2007 | Blog, randomness
OK, so life has been rather hectic lately, yeah, like that’s any different from normal, but I’m using it as my excuse for not blogging for the past month. Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to catalogue several things about myself that I never would have...
by Heather | Aug 27, 2007 | Blog, randomness, writing
Writers are a strange breed—seriously, what other group of people do you know out there who celebrate rejection like we do? My online writer’s group has a rejection contest running right now, in fact. I can’t remember who started it, but whomever gets the...
by Heather | Aug 8, 2007 | Blog, writing
It’s snowing at my house. No, we’re not experiencing unseasonably cold weather, and other than the occasional bird feather around my coop the ground isn’t turning white. I’ve been using the snowflake method of plot planning this week. I can hear you, “The snowflake...
by Heather | Aug 5, 2007 | Blog, randomness
OK, so Connie Hall over at LDSwriterblogck tagged me a few weeks back and I’ve been way to distracted with other things to follow through, so I decided it was time I got around to it. What were you doing ten years ago? Taking summer classes at Southern Utah...