Tons of awesome giveaways!

Okay, seriously, there are giveaways everywhere right now, so I thought I’d highlight a few. First, my critique partner Tristi Pinkston’s second book in the Secret Sisters cozy mystery series is coming out in about a month, and to celebrate, she’s...

What, December already?

I’m not sure where the past few weeks have gone except that they seem to have melted away much faster than the snow in my yard is likely to do. In the past few weeks I’ve completed the second draft of my Nano project and am more than halfway through a...

First drafts can be fun!

I did warn you all that I’d disappear when November arrived, right? Well NaNoWriMo has been engrossing, exciting and exhausting. And for the first time ever, I’ve actually completed the 50K challenge while it’s still November. Yes, it is only the...

Three days left until Nanowrimo take over

In three more days it’ll be November, and if you’re a writer, you probably know what that means: NaNoWriMo, also known as National Novel Writing Month. (Never heard of it before? Go to to learn more) I know, like I need to start another story...

Politics, writing, and my life

Can I say that I’m a complete and utter blogging slacker? On the other hand, I’ve had some interesting things going on. My husband is running for county auditor, and he’s been sick for the past week–thankfully he’s finally starting to...