by Heather | Oct 2, 2010 | Blog, writing goals
It’s October, time once again for Tristi’s Quarterly Writing Challenge. She tells us we must post our goals on our blogs, so here they are: I know my August goal was to finish writing SAB—but I didn’t. So that’s on my to-do list. To get...
by Heather | Sep 25, 2010 | Blog, randomness
I recently started a nearly full-time job, which has my schedule all mixed up and robbed lots of my free time, so my blogging may continue to be less regular than it once was, and I apologize about that. I’m just trying to keep my golf balls all where they...
by Heather | Sep 21, 2010 | Blog, book review
I first became acquainted with Gregg’s work last winter when I read his Whitney Award finalist book, Altered State (check out my review here). He’s a talented writer with a gift for details, description, great plots, likable characters…I could go on...
by Heather | Sep 8, 2010 | Blog, book review
Kathi is having a contest in conjunction with her blog tour, so read to the bottom to learn how to enter–the grand prize is a Kindle–I know, I wish I could enter! Sixteen-year-old Tag can’t believe he’s in this much trouble. He’s not...
by Heather | Aug 17, 2010 | Blog, writing hints
I know, it’ only funny because it’s true. I used to work at a newspaper, and they would post signs in the bathroom reminding us about meetings and such. The signs often had misspellings and homonym problems. And as the copy editors often had pens on them...
by Heather | Aug 5, 2010 | Blog, book signings, writing goals
July is over and I’m pretty happy with the goals I reached as I added 30,000 words to my WIP and finished two other edits. August is just beginning so it’s time to set new ones–two goals this month: 1) finish my rough draft of SAB 2) Get over the...