Day 13: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 13: Cheer Others On This is going to be short because I’ve had an incredibly long day of work and driving halfway across the state (Okay, only to Utah County, but it felt like halfway across the state before I finished!). It seems when you turn on the...

Day 12: Lessons Learned From Mom

Day 12: Old Musicals are Fun And you thought all of these lessons would be serious…well, sor t of serious. I guess Lesson 9 was rather unconventional. From my earliest years I remember watching old musicals with my mom. I’m familair with all of the...

Day 11: Lessons Learned From Mom

Day 11: Keeping Life Together Takes Hard Work Did I mention that my mom works full time, and has six kids? I thought so. Yes, she always had dinner for us (Okay, so sometimes it was 8 p.m. for dinner, then time for jammies–what do you expect when she...

Day 10: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 10: There are Many Ways to Show Love Have you thought abotu all the different ways we tell our families that we love them? Do you even notice the things our loved ones do for us? I mentioned once befroe that my mom cooks three meals a day, from scratch, every day,...

Day 9: Lessons Learned from Mom

Lesson 9: Sometimes You Should Do The Unexpected I’ve been debating on whether I should tell this story, especially since I wasn’t there for it, but I’ve heard it so many times, I’m going to share, and hope my mom and sister forgive me if I...

Day 8: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 8: Parents Need to Act Like Parents I work in a retail store part time so I see a lot of families of all kinds. Some of those harried mothers remind me of my mom, and some…not so much. You see, when you watch parents (or grandparents) at a store like mine,...