Day 7: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 7: You can’t beat Homecooked Okay, first I have to state that I am not a culinary genius. I’m actually quite proud of myself when I actually cook a meal for my husband without his having to remind me that it’s dinnertime–I tend to snack,...

Day 6: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 6: Find time to get things done As a writer I often hear women (and sometimes men) talking about how they manage to squeeze writing time into their days. We’re all busy with the million and one things we’re supposed to do every day–something that...

Day 5: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 5: Sometimes you have to Compromise Nope, this isn’t what you think. Specifically what I thought of in this context was when Iwas little. We lived in a tiny little rental on a corner just a few blocks from my parents’ current home. It had three...

Day 4: Lessons Learned from Mom

It’s Mother’s Day on Day 4, and since it’s Sunday, I’ll talk about church callings. For anyone reading this who isn’t LDS, let me explain. In our church all of the teachers, leaders, musicians, etc are unpaid. We receive a calling from...

Day 3: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 3: Education is important. You might say that every parent tries to impress their kids with this fact. After all, education is important if you want to do something with your life. Unlike a lot of people, though, neither of my parents has a college education. My...

Day 2: Lessons Learned from Mom

Day 2: Compassion and a willingness to give are important. My mom has always been the kind of person who is willing to invite ‘outsiders’ to join us. When I was a sophomore in high school my older sister had a friend, Jolene. Jo had moved to our small town...