by Heather | Mar 22, 2010 | Blog, book signings, chickens, randomness
It’s been a fun and eventful week (though not in the realm of writing or editing). Since a picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words, I thought I’d let them do most of the speaking for this blog post: My first turkey eggs! I didn’t know they...
by Heather | May 16, 2009 | Blog, chickens, randomness
Just a quick note, I had to share. One of my hens laid the FIRST double yolker I’ve ever gotten. It was this huge green egg, about double the size of the others, so I knew it had to be, and I was right. It was a small joy–but I’ll take what I can...
by Heather | Apr 3, 2009 | Blog, randomness, writing goals
I’ve been having a fun hatching week. Last year my duck eggs were all duds–not a fertile one in the bunch, so I was really excited when I checked these and saw growth after the first week. Now the first batch has hatched I love watching them play. See how...
by Heather | Jan 24, 2009 | Blog, chickens, randomness
Tristi Pinkston tagged me on her blog. Apparently you’re suppose to post the 6th photo in your 6th folder. Since my laptop was recently resurrected, I don’t have many pictures on here yet, but this is what I came up with. He’s one of my frizzled...
by Heather | Dec 8, 2008 | Blog, randomness
Snow is blanketing much of the country by now, and threatening most of the rest of us. Just because the summer birds have headed for warmer climes, and your gardening projects are mostly put on hold for the winter, doesn’t mean you won’t find plenty of...