Nicotiana–adding sweetness to your garden

I’m always curious and interested in different plants to add to my yard. I love the old standbys–my gladiolas are blooming beautifully right now–but I’m all about adding interest–and if the price is right, so much the better. Last winter...

Basil takes the sting away

Basil is one of my favorite herbs of all time. Have you ever been to a really good Italian restaurant where they use fresh basil? Magnifico! If you want the name of a fabulous Italian restaurant in Utah County, ask away. Anyway, because of my love affair with basil, I...

Brightening things up for less

Summer heat has been pounding down on us for months now and the school season is drawing near. Garden centers are starting to feel the heat as well. As the summer hurries by, most places that sell plants have begun slashing prices. Now is the time to pick up a few...

Farmer’s Markets: Keeping it Fresh

It’s that time of year again, the heat has been sizzling most of the northern hemisphere for a good long time, and farmer’s markets are springing up all over. This summertime event happens in cities across the country, as well as many other areas around the world. You...

Oregano: Not Just for Pizza

Some years ago one of my family members was told to take oregano for a health problem. I remember thinking what a strange idea that was—Oregano? You mean that Italian seasoning? When I had planted this versatile herb in my garden I had no intentions of using it...