by Heather | Apr 25, 2008 | Blog
There are lots of advantages to living in a small town—and no, the grocery store’s produce depart being smaller than most SUVs isn’t one of them. In the spirit of James Dashner’s famous top ten lists—but in no particular order: 1) Heavy traffic is...
by Heather | Apr 22, 2008 | Blog, randomness
So both Danyelle and Kim have tagged me to list seven things about me. I suppose it’s past time I responded. Now if I can come up with that many that I am willing to admit. The rules are as follows: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. 2....
by Heather | Oct 17, 2007 | Blog, randomness
Well, Danyelle tagged me over at, so I guess you are getting a real treat—two posts in under a month. My reading I read a variety of things from sci-fi/fantasy to non-fiction to suspense, romance and other things. I’ve also audio read a pretty good...
by Heather | Sep 29, 2007 | Blog, randomness
OK, so life has been rather hectic lately, yeah, like that’s any different from normal, but I’m using it as my excuse for not blogging for the past month. Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to catalogue several things about myself that I never would have...
by Heather | Aug 5, 2007 | Blog, randomness
OK, so Connie Hall over at LDSwriterblogck tagged me a few weeks back and I’ve been way to distracted with other things to follow through, so I decided it was time I got around to it. What were you doing ten years ago? Taking summer classes at Southern Utah...